Rainbow Nursery
Inside every child is a rainbow waiting to shine...
Welcome to Rainbow Nursery
About Us
Childcare First is a registered charity and operates on a not-for-profit basis. The company supports social inclusion and economic agendas of national and local governments. Our nursery is a purpose built facility and we are dedicated to providing high quality childcare and learning for all families attending the nursery.
Operating Hours
The nursery operates Monday to Friday from 8.00am to 6.00pm and is open 50 weeks of the years. Throughout the year the nursery closes over the festive period, for public holidays and five in-service days. We have three play rooms: Tiny Tots (0-2 years), Little Rascals (2-3 years) and Little Learners (3-5 years).
At Rainbow Nursery we place the child at the centre of the learning process and encourage children to learn new things and develop their skills from an early age. We do this by following children’s interests and allowing them to make their own decisions. We promote an ethos of everyone learning together and children are actively involved in planning and evaluating their journey through learning. We provide children with warm, welcoming learning environments that stimulate and support their learning and development. We pride ourselves on our superb outdoor environment which offers children an abundance of quality outdoor learning opportunities.
The nursery offers three meals a day including breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. Breakfast includes toast, bagels or crumpets, cereal and a selection of fresh fruit. At lunch time, children will enjoy a two course meal, including the two main meal options daily. Afternoon snack varies daily and is always served with a selection of fresh fruit. The nursery also offers a hot evening meal at an additional cost (£2.50).
All staff have been recruited and appointed following a careful selection process in accordance with Care Inspectorate requirements. Staff are committed to continued professional development and dedicated to providing the very best quality of opportunities for children and families attending our nursery.
Our Mission
Aims & Objectives
Rainbow Nursery aims to:
To provide high quality childcare for families with babies and young children.
To provide valuable learning experiences that are responsive to the children interests and development needs.
To promote the rights of all children and young people in our care.
To nurture all aspects of young children’s development and learning, offering the appropriate support and providing further challenge to ensure all are children are reaching their potential.
To provide a safe and secure environment for children which is stimulating and promotes rich learning.
To promote self-discovery, exploration and curiosity towards learning.
To encourage the development of positive relationships.
To work in partnership with parents/carers, families and the community.
To take the time to get to know families and nurture individual needs and talents.
To support parents in their employment, training, further education and parenting roles.
To monitor, evaluate and assess our practice consistently to continuously improve our service.
To continue to upskill our staff team by undergoing continuous professional development through internal and external training.
To comply with all local, national and international policies, guidance and legislation.